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Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz is an acclaimed author, academic, economist and broadcaster famous for her accurate economic predictions and anti-globalisation campaigns. She is an engaging and inspiring public speaker and has given talks on a variety of topics, including economic trends and challenges, running a business in the aftermath of the financial crisis and how to make smart economic decisions for your business.

Noreena was described by Fast Company magazine as "one of the most influential economists on the international stage" and she is renowned for her visionary economic work, hugely successful writing career and tireless campaigning and political activism.

In addition to her academic career, Noreena undertakes a number of advisory roles, acting in a consultative capacity for national corporations, CEOs, NGOs, politicians, start-ups and charity organisations. She is also an avid charity campaigner and has worked tirelessly for a number of causes over the years.

Her topics include:

  • Thinking errors and how to think smarter
  • Sustainability
  • CSR for Profit


Noreena Hertz

Noreena Hertz


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Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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