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Charlie McMurdie

Charlie McMurdie

Charlie is an acknowledged cyber crime and security expert who has a proven and highly acclaimed reputation for generating strategic direction and delivery of operational capability to confront the impact of cyber crime whilst proactively utilising and responding to emerging technologies which fuel it.

Completing almost 32 years’ service in the Metropolitan Police retiring at the rank of Detective Superintendent, Charlie is an individual who has breadth of vision, innovation and credibility as demonstrated in establishing and building the Police Central e-crime Unit, that is now a world class cyber crime capability and the national cyber crime investigative and enforcement body in the United Kingdom.

In addition Charlie is an internationally acclaimed authority and advisor on issues within government and industry in relation to the Internet, communication technology, computing and security sectors and an effective ambassador and negotiator with refined interpersonal and influencing skills who leads for UK policing on a range of strategic programmes and sensitive partnerships with the private sector, and who maintains a unique personal network spanning academia, industry, government, law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies internationally.

Charlie McMurdie

Charlie McMurdie


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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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