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Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton Christensen is a professor, an entrepreneur and a consultant.

Clayton is the architect of and the worlds foremost authority on disruptive innovation, a framework which describes the process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves up market, eventually displacing established competitors. Consistently acknowledged in rankings and surveys as one of the worlds leading thinkers on innovation, he is widely sought after as a speaker, advisor and board member.

He is the best-selling author of nine books and more than a hundred articles. In 2011, Forbes called him "one of the most influential business theorists of the last 50 years" in a cover story. In 2011 and in 2013 he was named the world’s most influential business thinker on the list, published by The Times.

His topics include:

  • Managing Innovation
  • Building a Sustainably Successful Enterprise
  • Management of Technology

Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen


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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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