Vuoden Puhuja -äänestys 2025 on nyt käynnissä! Äänestä suosikkiasi täältä.

Olof Röhlander

Olof Röhlander

Olof Röhlander is a former professional table tennis player, with a degree in Integrated mental training, and a Swedish professional Inspirational speaker living in Stockholm.

Olof Röhlander has an extensive experience when it comes to motivation questions in companies and organisations. The last ten years he has been working with hundreds of companies and organisations with attitude changes and teamwork.

He has been the most sought after motivational and inspirational speaker in Sweden the last couple of years and he was awarded with the "Speaker of the year″ award in 2011 and 2015.

Olof Röhlander does more than 200 speaking engagements for Swedish companies and organizations each year. For the past decade, Olof has spoken to more than one hundred thousand people. He is also the author of many bestselling books about mental training, mental problem solving and teamwork.

His topics include:

  • Creating energy
  • Job satisfaction
  • Mental strength
  • Leadership


Olof Röhlander

Olof Röhlander


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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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Pyydä tarjous

Tee varaus tai pyydä lisätietoa puhujista - saat ehdotukset jo samana työpäivänä! Varaa puhuja sekä online- että livetilaisuuksiin. Lomakkeen lähetys ei sido mihinkään.

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